Biology News and Articles

Declining House sparrows (Passer domesticus): Is our ecosystem healthy enough to support all forms of life ? House sparrow is a small perching bird (Passerine bird), which has feet that are adapted for perching. Though it is native to Europe, Asia, and Mediterranean region, it also spreads to north and south America and some parts of Africa. So, it is one of the widely distributed and well adapted bird to live along with humans in urban cities. Among the members of the family Passeridae, Indian house sparrow is the least migrant bird. It is closely associated with human beings and his domesticated animals. Hence, it has got its species name “domesticus”. These sparrows perch on the weed stalks for collecting seeds and perch on the tree barks for finding out insects for its young ones. This is a monogamous (mono: single; gamous: marriage or mating) bird, which has a single mate at any one point of time. Life span The life span of this bird is around ...