State Level seminar on "ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY : ISSUES & CHALLENGES" was organized by the Department of Zoology on October 11, 2012. Renowned scientists from the universities were talking on various issues of the environmental sustainability and the strategies that could be followed to achieve and maintain environmental sustainability. Prof. Dr. Sundaramari, Gandhigram Rural University was being felicitated by the Secretary of our College Rev. Sr. Esther Mary. Our Principal Dr. Sr. A. Josephin Nirmala Mary and the H.O.D of Zoology Department Ms. Tamil Selvi are also seen. Dr. M.Sundaramari, Faculty of Agriculture in Gandhigram Rural Deemed University was talking about the role of practicing Organic farming in order to preserve our agricultural ecosystem and to sustain the fertility of the agriculture land. Prof. Dr. K. Kumaraswamy was being felicitated by Dr. N. Malathi, Faculty of our department. Prof Dr. K. Kumaraswamy,...